jules grew up in france and loved being a boy scout because of the military uniforms but the scouting thing can only get you so far so he bunked off school and got a job as an ice cream seller which was cool but not as cool as skating and shooting home-made dv rap videos and the skate hip hop thing really took off so he moved to boston and recorded a rap song but realised that rapping was harder than it looked so he carried on directing and skating and shot with all the brooklyn massive and made that hennessy spot and it all blew up with commercials and docs and stills and he talked his vegan girlfriend into helping on a doc about bbq which didn’t help things between them but it was a great film anyway and he loves picking up the camera and getting into it and his favourite film ever is hype william’s belly which is great but not as a great as his recent distance spot about the runners in paris which has won 40 awards so far and is still going strong and for all these reasons and the fact that he’s a total and utter gent it’s a no brainer that he now has to be a proper knucklehead